Club Penguin Cheats


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This site is about Club Penguin Cheats and also about Club Penguin itself.

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First the basics.

Start by opening your map. Do you see the iceberg on the right side corner? That is one of the secret places. Also there is the Dojo. Do you see the purple snow-capped mountains at the back-center? That is where that is. And last but not least the mine.  You probably already found all these places but the mine is up and then right a bit from the Snow Forts. I hope you have a great time :D:D

The Mine.

If you go to the into the Mine Shack you will see a game called Cart Surfer. Now, there are lots of tricks like the back flip. Click the DOWN arrow then SPACEBAR and your penguin will do a back-flip. Remember to HOLD DOWN the down arrow.  Then there is the 'Jump 'n' Turn.' First you click the SPACEBAR then you click one of the SIDE arrows. There is also 'Skidding' which is a DOWN arrow, and a SIDE arrow depending on which way you're turning. You will have to HOLD DOWN the arrows until you are finished turning. I will update some more later but that is all for now!!!! I haven't played Cart Surfer for a while so I have to refresh my memory ;)

The Cove.

Surfing is awesome. And its even better when you can do it with your puffles!!!!!!!!!! The red puffle can come along with you and have a great time surfing. Now, if you cant get enough points, keep clicking 'D' and your points will go up!!!! It works trust me. But i think it is hard to concentrate on staying alive and clicking D at the same time!!! lol Also if you put your mouse at the top of the screen directly above you penguin it will make you go higher so you can do more flips

The Pizza Parlor.

The Pizzatron 3000 is a great game, but you know everything is better with chocolate!!!! There is a little switch you can flick before playing Pizzatron that will make it have chocolate sauce and icing instead of Pizza sauce!!!! Also there are marshmallows, jelly beans, chocolate chips, licorice sticks, and sprinkles. Just click on the switch shown on the picture.

The Dock.

Hydrohopper (or Ballistic Biscuit) is located at the Dock. It is a fun game where you have to avoid being knocked off your ring or wakeboard. But I don't know any cheats for this one. If you do please let me know (by talking to me on Penguin Chat or Club Penguin) sorry about the inconvenience.

The Lighthouse.

The Jetpack game is a fun game at the Beacon. You fly around on your jetpack and you collect coins. I don't know if it is true or not but some penguins have said that if you don't collect any coins while flying you'll get more coins in the end. But I haven't prooven that yet.

The Ski Lodge.

There are several games at the Ski Lodge. There is Find Four, which is a multi-player game you can play with your buds, and there is Ice Fishing. Ice Fishing is pretty straight-forward until you get to the Mullet. The Mullet is the large red fish you see in the picture. And as you can see the penguin is holding a smaller fish and using this for bait instead of a worm.

The Ski Hill.

At the Ski Hill there is Sled Racing. I don't have any cheats but a few hints might be useful. When you are Sled Racing and you see a patch of ice you should go on that because it gives you a boost of speed. Other than that I don't know what I can say.

The Coffee Shop.

Beans is a game in the Coffee shop. It is where you have to catch bags of Coffee Beans and make sure you don't get hit by Anvils or Flower Pots or Fish. Don't have any cheats for this either.

The Pet Shop.

I don't have any cheats for Puffle Round Up but I can say you can't get much money out of it. It is fun if you like cute little fluffy puffles (like me) but I just can't get all the Puffles into the pen.


Find Four, Mancala, Thin Ice, and Astro-Barrier are all Mini-Games. I don't think there are cheats for any of these except for Thin Ice. Study this picture carefully, there is a secret entrance...

Quick Keys

If you click these buttons you will say these certain things, have a look. Also 'et' is a musical note.

As Billybob would say, "Waddle On!"

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!